Penectomy Surgery: Best treatment that works against penile cancer
Penectomy Surgery: Treatment for patients with penile cancer
Penectomy surgery works for patients who have penile cancer. The penectomy surgery removes one part or all parts of the penis. Under the expertise of one of the best Urologist in Ludhiana, the surgery works towards removing the cancerous cells that are present on the penis surface. The surgery works for both psychological and physical situation for every possible step. There’s a possibility that the patient might perform the treatment partially or fully. The doctor will talk you through the entire process so that you are in the utmost comfortable situation in handling everything.
Penectomy surgery: How is surgery performed?
Penectomy surgery requires various methods for increasing precision and care throughout different steps. The penectomy surgery include 2 types:
- Total Penectomy
Total penectomy, as the name suggests, requires removing the entire penis. The surgeon creates a new urinary opening in the perineum. This area lies between the anus and scrotum region. It’s called perineal urethrostomy.
- Partial penectomy
Partial penectomy surgery requires removing the penis part. Although, the surgery won’t trigger any impact on the shaft, it’s there only.
Along with the Penectomy surgery in Punjab, the doctor suggests other necessary steps to ensure the problem gets addressed effectively. Be it partial or total, the methods require spinal or general anesthesia. The anesthesia ensures the patient stays in all comfortable states, and the discomfort part gets less.
After administering anesthesia, the surgeon performs the necessary steps so that situation gets managed effectively. The doctor removes the scrotum and testicles & Lymph nodes. If the surgical procedure requires testicle and penis removal, it requires emasculation. Although, the condition of removing both penis and testicle only occurs in cases of advanced cancer. There’s a possibility that cancer will begin to invade deep tissues or some lymph nodes to work well against different situations.
So, depending on cancer’s presence and where it is, the doctor takes the next necessary measures. It’s essential to test everything and make an incision to extract lymph nodes to perform the evaluation.
Stage 1 cancer: Immediate treatment, better results
Individuals with stage 1 cancer require treatment on time. There’s a circumcision requirement if cancer occurs just on the foreskin. The necessary surgical procedure requires:
- Mohs surgery
- Wide excision
- Partial Penectomy
The other necessary options that you need are laser ablation or radiation therapy. Depending on your condition or surgical procedure, the doctor gives you all the necessary information.
What is it like to recover from penectomy surgery?
Be it partial or total, there’s a need for a hospital stay. After surgery, you will have a temporary catheter to help drain the bladder. Make sure that you follow all necessary instructions given by the surgeon.
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