What is Cystoscopy?

Cystoscopy is the procedure which allows the doctor to examine the bladder lining and the tube which carries urine out of the body. The hollow tube contains a lens that is inserted into the urethra and slowly it enters the bladder.
The procedure is done in a testing room and the patient is given local anesthesia. It might be possible sedation is given and it is done as an outpatient procedure. The type of cystoscopy will depend on the reason for doing the procedure.

What is the need of doing the procedure?

Cystoscopy is done to diagnose, monitor, and treat conditions that affect urethra and bladder. The doctor can suggest the procedure to:

  • To determine the signs and symptoms that include overactive bladder, painful urination, and urine incontinence. With this procedure, the exact reason for urinary tract infection can be determined. However, this procedure is not possible if you have an active urinary tract infection.
  • It helps to diagnose bladder conditions like bladder stone, bladder cancer, and bladder inflammation.
  • It helps in treating bladder conditions with special tools that are passed through the cystoscope. It is possible to remove a small bladder tumor with cystoscopy.
  • Helps in diagnosing enlarged prostate. With this procedure, the narrowing of the urethra can be checked which passes through the prostate gland.

Signs and symptoms of a serious complication

  • An inability to urinate after cystoscopy
  • Abdominal pain and nausea
  • Chills
  • Bright red blood or heavy blood clots in your urine
  • A fever higher than 101.4 F (38.5 C)
  • Pain or burning during urination for more than 2 days

How do I need to prepare for the procedure?

  • Your doctor will prescribe you medications to take before and after the procedure, especially if you are dealing with the infection.
  • The doctor might ask you to take a urine test before the procedure. Wait till the time your bladder gets empty until the appointment is done in case there is a need for a urine sample.

How do I prepare for anesthesia?

If you get an IV sedation or general anesthesia, plan for recovery. After the procedure, have someone take you home.

What to expect from the procedure?

The outpatient procedure takes around 15 minutes. If a patient is given general anesthesia, then it needs around 15 to 30 minutes. Here are few steps which you need to keep in mind:

  • You need to empty the bladder before the treatment. You’re in a position where knees are bent and your feet in stirrups.
  • The cystoscopy will be inserted, and the numbing gel is applied so that the patient does not feel any pain. After a few minutes, cystoscopy is applied to the urethra with the smallest scope.
  • The cystoscope contains a lens that helps in checking urethra and bladder. A special video camera is attached over the lens to get the images on the screen.
  • The doctor might take a tissue sample for testing, and cystoscopy can be used to perform other procedures.



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    When do I contact the doctor?

    You need to consult the doctor immediately in case of seizures and blackouts. While some of these symptoms may be a result of other medical condition, it is always advisable to receive immediate medical attention. Repeated seizures can cause serious injury and must never be ignored.

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