Testicular tumors

Testicular Tumor treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

What is Testicular Cancer?

The male gland known as testes or testicles is likely to initiate testicular cancer. This is normal in humans 15 to 44 years of age and though it can impact a man or boy of any age. It’s very rare and quite convenient to treat. Testicular cancer may be treated with early diagnosis. The possibility of death related to this cancer is low with treatment.

It depends on the cancer form, how it progresses, and the general well being of the patient. How well the patient responds to the Testicular cancer therapy physicians matters a lot.

The Testicles

The testes belong to the reproductive system of the male. The two tiny egg cells are placed beneath the penis in a scrotum. There is a firm, rather spongy feel on the testicles. Testicle’s firmness will still remain the same. The testicles should also have approximately the same size, although they may be bigger than the other. A tube-like structure called the epididymis is at the top and outside of the bottom.
Sperm matures in the testicles. Male hormones such as testosterone are also formed in the testes. This hormone governs men’s sex drive. It also starts muscle, bone, and hair development.

Symptoms of testicular tumor

  • The most common sign is the painless lump in the testicle.
  • Testicular swelling with or without pain or scrotum sense of weight.
  • Ache or pain in the testis, scrotum, or groin.
  • Tendency or abnormalities of male breast tissue.

Such symptoms are not told by people to their health care provider. The urologist needs to check whether cancer develops or if there is any other question, such as-:

  • Epididymitis-: Epididymis swelling. Treatment of antibiotics needed sometimes.
  • Testicular torsion: Testes twisting, which are sometimes surgically treated.
  • Hernia: where half of the abdomen pounds into a vulnerable area of the stomach near the groin. This problem can also be treated with surgery.
  • Hydrocele-: Where in the scrotum blood accumulates. Sometimes without care, it goes further.

Testicular Cancer Stages

  • Stage 0
  • Stage I (IA, IB, IS)
  • Stage II (IIA, IIB, IIC)
  • Stage III (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC)

Diagnosis of testicular cancer

Testicular Self-Exam
  • Check the size of each testicle
  • Find the epididymis and vas deferens.
  • Look for lumps, swelling or things that don’t seem right
  • Check yourself at least once per month.
Medical Exam
  • Health record and physical exam
  • Testicular ultrasound
  • Blood test
  • Serum Tumor Marker Test


A team of physicians like oncologists, urologists, and radiation oncologists will often work together to find the most appropriate plan of treatment for each patient. The decisions are based on the patient’s correct diagnosis and wellbeing. Treatment options for testicular cancer include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiation
  • Surveillance

Following such therapies, infertility and changes in male hormones are normal. Before treatment sperm banking may be useful, mainly in the future if you wish for babies.


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    You need to consult the doctor immediately in case of seizures and blackouts. While some of these symptoms may be a result of other medical condition, it is always advisable to receive immediate medical attention. Repeated seizures can cause serious injury and must never be ignored.

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