What are the foremost tips to avoid kidney damage for better health?

What are the foremost tips to avoid kidney damage for better health
kidney failurekidney healthKidney Problem

What are the foremost tips to avoid kidney damage for better health?

  • September 1, 2020



The kidneys are one of the body’s unsung heroes. Not only it helps in filtering the waste products from the blood but it also helps to regulate blood pressure which helps in keeping the electrolyte levels in balance and helps in the production of red blood cells.

In some cases, when the condition has become worse then the only choice is to get the kidney transplant. If you or your loved one is facing the kidney-related health issue then get in touch with the best urologist in Ludhiana.


Tips to avoid Kidney damage

Exercise Regularly

  • Studies have shown that obesity is linked to kidney damage. If you are overweight then you need to start working out. You need to exercise for around 30 to 45 minutes or 4 to 5 days a week.
  • Some of the exercises you can include are cycling, running, walking, and swimming. You should pick one which helps you stay motivated to work out each day. If your elderly then try to exercise for around 15 minutes a day for 3 days per week.


Avoid Smoking

Tobacco smoke can lead to serious damage to the kidneys. Cigarettes contain around 4000 particles. The cigarettes are linked to kidney fibrosis in which the kidney tissues turn hard and it can lead to kidney failure. Cigarette smoking can lead to hypertension which can increase blood pressure.


Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can lead to kidney damage. When metabolized alcohol becomes aldehyde which is a harmful chemical and it can damage the liver and kidney. Alcohol is known for increasing the chance of having heart disease and diabetes.


Avoid drug abuse

Any type of drug that you put in the body is going to get absorbed by the blood and then it helps in filtering the kidneys. The drugs can leave an extremely negative impact on the kidney and this leads to kidney failure which means your kidney will have the harmful toxins.


Treat bacterial infections

This is extremely important if you have a bacterial infection in the urinary tract or kidney, then consult the doctor right away. The doctor will suggest you antibacterial infection to treat the condition and it will be worth it because kidney dealing with a bacterial infection can be of major risk to your health.


Limit the amount of processed food

You need to change the amount of processed food you eat. Processed food contains sodium and phosphorus in large amounts. If the sodium level is extremely high then it increases blood pressure which is going to harm the kidneys. A processed food item that you need to avoid are cakes, muffins, crackers, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, salad dressing, hot dogs, and store-bought cookies.