What do you need to know about urology and some common diseases with it?

Urologist and Common Diseases

What do you need to know about urology and some common diseases with it?

  • August 10, 2020



Under the urology, the organs included are adrenal glands, kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, ureters, and the male reproductive organ which includes:

  • Prostate
  • Vas Deferens
  • Seminal Vesicles
  • Prostate
  • Penis
  • Testes
  • Epidermis

Consulting the best urologist in Ludhiana will help you get the best treatment plan which can benefit your condition. The skilled and experienced doctor is aware of the tunica albuginea, laparoscopic surgery, urethroplasty reconstruction, and laser surgery.

Common Diseases

Some of the common diseases include:

BPH(Benign Prostate Hyperplasia)

BPH means prostate gland size increases in older men. Incontinence is the loss of the bladder which results in the unwanted flow of urine, UTI (Urinary tract infection), ureter stone, and kidney.

Urological surgery is the integration of surgical activities for the pelvis—urogenital, colon, and gynecological organs. Mainly the treatment is for the dysfunction, obstruction, inflammatory disease, and malignancies.


What are the common urological operations?

  • Renal (kidney) surgery
  • Kidney Removal ( nephrectomy )
  • Surgery of the ureters, including ureterolithotomy or removal of calculus (stones) in the ureters
  • Testicular (scrotal) surgery
  • Bladder surgery
  • Pelvic lymph node dissection
  • Prostatic surgery, Removal of the prostate
  • Urethra surgery
  • Surgery to the penis



  • One of the most influential developments of the 20the century is minimally invasive surgery. With the minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon can examine and operate the internal organs with small incisions, natural body openings, or puncture holes rather than by dissection.
  • Visual examination and surgery of the inside of the abdomen are done by laparoscopy. The surgical instruments are added through small abdominal incisions to check the abdominal problem. The procedure needs expertise and this is the reason you should always choose the experienced surgeon.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery:

  • Less internal scarring
  • Quick recovery times
  • Smaller scars
  • Less post-op discomfort
  • Quicker return to full activities


Endoscopic surgery

Endoscopic surgery is minimal and the endoscope is inserted into the body opening such as anus, mouth, and abdomen.

Additionally, small incisions can be made in the abdomen or knee. Surgery is done with small incisions and assisted with special instruments such as keyhole surgery.



Endoscopy is useful for patients in different medical conditions. Different parts of the human body can be checked like:

  • Gastrointestinal Tract: esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), small intestine (enteroscopy), bile duct, rectum (rectoscope), large intestine/colon (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy), and anus (anoscopy),
  • Respiratory Tract: lower respiratory tract (bronchoscopy), and nose (rhinoscopy)
  • Ear: Otoscopy
  • Urinary tract: Cystoscopy
  • Female reproductive tram (gyroscope): Uterus (hysteroscopy), Cervix (colposcopy), and fallopian tubes (fallout j’)
  • Through a small incision: Abdominal or pelvic cavity (Laparoscopy), organs of the chest (mediastinoscopy and thoracoscopy), and the interior of a joint (arthroscopy).