What are the topmost signs that you need to get medical help from a Urologist?

What are the topmost signs that you need to get medical help from a Urologist

What are the topmost signs that you need to get medical help from a Urologist?

  • August 19, 2020


Patients often get confused about what are the symptoms which tells that you need to consult a urologist in Ludhiana.

Following the top signs which tells that you need to seek medical help:

  • Urine contains blood

If you experience blood in the urine, it means there is something bad. The problem is not blood in the urine. It means there is something else that is wrong. Blood in urine should not be considered as a normal occurrence. It means you need to seek help from the urologist right away. Additionally, it can also indicate early warning signs of the bladder of kidney cancer.

  • Testicular pain or lump

In case, you have pain in the testes which does not go away within 2 weeks, then it means consult the urologist. There may be testicular cancer and if it is detected early cancer is found in the testes is one of the curable forms.

  • Sudden change in PSA level

Typically, a little amount of PSA is found in the bloodstream. If the PSA level is extremely high in the blood then it means you need to consult a urologist right away. PSA test is often used to detect early prostate cancer.

  • Improper prostate exam

There can be an abnormality in prostate cancer which needs to be checked by the urologist. Keep in mind, if the problem is detected early, the chances of curing the issue will lead to a high cure rate.

  • Abnormal functioning of the kidney

If the doctor finds anything abnormal on X-ray, then you need to consult the urologist right away.

  • Pain while urinating

In the urinary tract, you can have an infection and this is mostly caused by bacteria. The urologist will help to determine the cause and then give you the recommended treatment to solve the problem.

  • Male Infertility

It is rare but male infertility means a problem of testicular cancer and you need to consult a urologist right away.

  • Urinary Incontinence

You need to consult the urologist right away if you notice sudden incontinence or it can affect your lifestyle greatly. This is extremely common and you must manage it or get it treated on time to alleviate the incontinence.

  • Frequent urination or the urge to urinate often

Several issues can result in frequent need to empty the bladder. Additionally, it can indicate the number of issues in both men and women. So, make sure to consult the urologist right away and then get a better understanding of what needs to be done.

  • The sexual problem in men and women

ED (Erectile Dysfunction) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erect penis. This is the most common sexual issue for men as they age. Different treatment options are there. Women who are experiencing low sexual drive need to consult a urologist to help them determine what they need to do.