Why do females not feel like engaging in an intercourse after menopause?

Why do females not feel like engaging in an intercourse after menopause

Why do females not feel like engaging in an intercourse after menopause?

  • May 31, 2021


Usually, it is observed that the sexual drive of females is considerably affected with menopause. They do not feel the urge to have sex. Since the male partners stay active with their sexual desires, the women find it difficult to maintain a healthy sex life.


Owing to the following the sexual drive of the females is negatively affected and she may not want to engage in sexual activity:

  • Hormonal changes

The sexual drive is usually triggered when the libido is aroused. But with age and menopause, the libido becomes extremely harder. And it becomes tremendously difficult for the male partner to stimulate a female’s sexual desire. The libido becomes harder because of the reduced production of the following hormones:

Estrogen Testosterone

  • Vaginal Dryness

Vainal atrophy is responsible for the reduction in the vaginal blood supply. This issue comes about owing to the drop in hormonal levels which is completely natural to happen with age and after menopause. Vaginal dryness can contribute in making your sex life worse by making the vaginal tissues extremely thinner and drier.

  • Bladder Control Problems or Incontinency

With age, nothing remains the same and similarly strengthful. As the age passes, the pelvic muscles keep on getting extremely weak. The weakening of the muscles is responsible for making your bladder leak unexpectedly.

  • Depression

Usually, the adults and the old aged people do not suffer from depression but if in the rarest case any of the participants is disturbed with a different mental condition, then the sex life is effective as the individual may not feel interested in enhancing in such acts.

  • Stress

The old people are usually stressed for their children. There may also be some other couple of problems which may disturb them. Sometimes, the women are not able to accept the major changes happening in her body. In those cases, she may get stressed and even needs counselling for the same.

  • Hot flashes

Hot flashes are accountable for killing a particular mood and making the women suddenly switch to a bad mood. Because of this, she may find sex inconvenient. If the couple keeps on doing sex even after the hot flashes, there are 100% chances that the women can get irritated and she may also feel tired the following day.

  • Other health problems or transformations

As the age gets incremented, the individual suffers from a variety of health problems. For women, it becomes difficult to be sexually active despite such conditions.

Can women never find sex pleasurable after menopause?

With some efforts, the women can surely maintain her sex life and can enjoy that too. Following treatment can help to make you sexually active:

  • Hormonal help

With the hormonal therapy approach, the libido can attain a significant effect. This therapy also helps to get rid of hot flashes.

A gladdening point

There is no complication or side effect associated with this therapy.

  • Saying Bye-Bye to vaginal dryness

The vaginal dryness could be eliminated with the help of the following:

  • Creams
  • Usage of lubrication during sex
  • Topical hormonal treatments


After menopause, the woman should give her body more time to get sexually aroused. This can be done with the male’s efforts of doing foreplay for an extended period.

  • Try to have more sex

Sex helps to regulate the blood flow to your genitals. You can try doing the clitoral stimulation. It will be extremely beneficial for your sexual health.

How can women improve their sexual health?

Yes, you heard it right. By following some of the necessary guidelines, you can significantly improve your sexual health:

  • Stay active

You need to stay active because the regular workout or yoga produce a significant impact on the following;

  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Emotional health
  • Do not smoke

Smoking is not good for your health. Because of this many couples are suffering from infertility as it is accountable for disturbing the functionality and the structure of the reproductive organs and at the end they opt for ICSI, IUI and IVF treatment

  • Do not consume alcohol

Alcohol is not at all good for your health. It is responsible for killing the sexual drive.

  • Be regular with your pelvic exercises

Many exercises can help to reduce pelvic tension and thus increase the rate of libido arousal. You should consult your gynaecologist or doctor before taking such practices into account.

How can the male partners help in triggering the female’s sexual desire?

Communication is the key here

Women are emotional by nature and they only have the urge to do sex when they are psychologically triggered. So the male partners should not go straight to zipping down their pants. It should be a moment that commences with the intimate talk that will eventually lead you to have sex.

Bottom Line

The female will feel more comfortable and sexually driven towards you if their partners make them believe with their acts that they understand what they are going through. Try to make them feel spiral by praising them regularly or doing things together which she likes.